Energy Analytics Home

A summary of all the key market and research information on Energy Analytics

Launch Matrix

Since the launch of Energy Analytics on Matrix, we’ve had great feedback from our clients. However, we’re constantly striving to provide a better experience, deliver more useful information, and streamline the way you use the tool.

As a result, we have developed Energy Analytics Home – a new tab within Energy Analytics that brings together 6 different market tools. This new tab serves as an entry point into the world of Energy Analytics, where you can now get quicker access to the latest key market and research information, but also dive deeper to get greater insight into the Energy markets.

Energy Analytics Home gives you

6 Key Market and Research Tools

Trade Ideas and Commentary from our Commodities Desks

Morgan Stanley Commodities Research

The latest video Research from the top Commodities Authors

Positioning Updates from your favourite Morgan Stanley Authors

Market watch on FX indicative prices

A snapshot of the latest upcoming Economic events

Want to get the most out of Energy Analytics Home?

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