Morgan Stanley
  • Ideas Podcast
  • Nov 30, 2017

Will Electric Cars Take Us Back to the Future?

Hosted by Ashley Milne-Tyte
Will Electric Cars Take Us Back to the Future?

A rapid shift in the auto industry is coming. Electric vehicles, the long-anticipated cars of the future, are poised to dominate global markets in the next few decades. What impact will they have on how we live our lives?

In this episode of the Ideas podcast, we wonder what an electric-car-powered future will look like. Will the internal combustion vehicle go the way of the horse and buggy? Will it mean the revival of the drive-in theater? Or the drive-in home? We speak with urban designer Marshall Brown who looks ahead at a world where electric vehicles will approach 90% of the market. Along the way, Simon Lonsdale of Chargepoint, an electric vehicle charging company, discusses how the driver of the future will fill-up. And Morgan Stanley Research Analyst Harald Hendrikse, an author of our recent Bluepaper on the bright future of the electric vehicle, introduces us to some ideas that may be as surprising as the flux capacitor.

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